PowerPoint Presentation System – POWER-PS – Training
Template for PowerPoint presentations that suit every Vebego sub-company
Vebego is a large family brand that includes more than 150 smaller companies. Vebego recently brought them together into one new group. This means that all brands, all products and all segments must be provided with a new corporate identity. This makes them a recognisable part of the umbrella brand Vebego.
A great challenge for Roops to ensure that all communication runs smoothly and clearly, and this from the beginning. Vebego asked us to set up a presentation system that the entire organisation can use. The template for Power presentations can now be used without problems throughout the organisation – so also by the subsidiaries that have to maintain their own identity.
‘I thought PowerPoint no longer held any secrets for me. But after the PowerPoint training with Roops, I had to adjust my thoughts. Because there is so much more possible. Roops takes you into the wonderful world of PowerPoint, so you leave the training full of inspiration to do even better. ’
Denise Vrouenraets
Marketing and Communication
Do you also need such a comprehensive, clear template for your organisation?
We would be happy to work with you. Call us: 010-2141734, or send us a message using the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible.