KNVB PowerPoint template and the Orange invitation letter as a template
Scoring with Orange: communication with teams via PowerPoint newsletters
The Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB) and Roops have worked together several times now. The first presentation that Roops was allowed to develop for the KNVB was a presentation for the technical director. From there, the snowball effect happened. Subsequently, Roops created a PowerPoint presentation where the future of Dutch football is visualised thanks to animations and strong visuals. Roops has been able to take a look within the Bond through these projects, and understands all the ins and outs. With this knowledge, Roops has been able to support the KNVB even better in its further communication.
For example, we have designed a letter for all teams within Orange. As a basis for this letter, Roops has developed a comprehensive template in PowerPoint that is easy and convenient for employees to use. The template is still used to create various letters that give players a clear overview of matches, training, accommodations and contacts. The PowerPoint template is also used to prepare announcements and social media messages.
For a last-minute PowerPoint presentation, Wouter is the right person to call. Without panicking, Wouter knows how to make a professional PowerPoint presentation with little information. He converts your wishes into clear presentation slides. This way you will have a suitable and immediately usable PowerPoint presentation needed for an important presentation job, within a short time.
Jan Verbeek
Assistent Tech. Manager
Do you also want an impactful PowerPoint or a special print template to produce digital print yourself?
We would be happy to work with you. Call us: 010-2141734, or send us a message using the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible.